Old Boy Extraordinaire?
hi friends ,.
i just thought i should share with you my entry into the o.b.e.
club on this 5th of july.not everybody makes it and to tell you the truth ,i never thought i would.
Old Boy Extraordinaire?
entertainment with music, singing and dancing
They seem to be introducing the born again business model.
how cool would it be to print these up and hide in the stacks of regular cards at the kh?.
There will be a letter to elders in all congregations to look out for this next week.
i don't know if this has been posted here before, sorry if it has.. r.b..
I don't know if this has been posted here before, sorry if it has.
this is the first time i have posted on here in many years..... i seldom visit now although this forum was instrumental to me in gaining my sanity in the early 2000's and recovering from the watchtower religion.. by chance tonight i was on youtube and caught a jw.org video which out of curiosity prompted me to look at the official website and amongst other things i looked up the music section.. why that i hear you ask?
music is my passion and nothing reminds me more or evokes more memories than the kingdom songs i grew up listening to.. i am 49 years old and my mother was baptised in 1974. i grew up in the era of pink songbooks and green bibles.
of the theology of fred franz and types and anti-types.
Number 6 said-
Watchtower Studies were 40 paragraphs long and regularly overran on Sunday mornings
Ooh. That must have been so painful.
my pimi wife listens to a lot of the meetings on the phone with the speaker on.
when i am watching tv i hear the meetings in the background.
i just cringe with how a witless can't give a comment without having said jehovah at least two times.
"We had a guy who got really nervous when asked to open or close the meeting with prayer.
Here is a transcription of one of his typical prayers:"
I think I know who you are talking about Sir82
my pimi wife listens to a lot of the meetings on the phone with the speaker on.
when i am watching tv i hear the meetings in the background.
i just cringe with how a witless can't give a comment without having said jehovah at least two times.
Say it loud , say it often, tha's how you virtue signal your way up the pecking order.
the media is very powerful.
many news people just want to get a scoop even if their breaking story isn’t checked out for accuracy.
some journalists are precise and double check whatever they are reporting.
Hell no, and more and more people are catching on
The mainstream media as described by a commentator who's YouTube channel has banned just today - Black Pigeon Speaks.
“Clearly what is being represented in Europe today is the rejection of the globalist model for the western world, in fact around the world people are rejecting the neo liberal world view pushed by the corporate owned mainstream media which at this point is little more than a propaganda arm of the global banking cartels, working to squeeze every last cent out of a globalised capital market".
Black Pigeon is just the latest whistle blower to be silenced by the filth.
pimo verified this at the latest assembly attended.
check on this forum.
he was giving us attendance and baptism info and this was a side note... it is noted by another that when the question was asked after assembly was over, non seemed to hear the change.
No change in Australia.
someone posted this image on their facebook page of a recent jw rc showing a rather petite group of baptismal candidates.
notice there are nearly 75 seats (5 rows) reserved for the occasion.
by my count...it looks like between 17 to 19 were baptized...with total attendance of 6,000. the youngest among them looks like between 9 and 11 years old.
I went to a circuit assembly recently and it was a full house... because the borders have been jigged so there were no spare seats. What was really telling though was that the "cost of running the assembly " have gone up again, up 25% from last time!